Entrepreneurial Leadership: The Art of Launching New Ventures, Inspiring Others, and Running Stuff



Entrepreneurial Leadership

Trusted executive mentor, entrepreneur, and leadership expert Joel Peterson’s new guide for any leader to achieve the summit of true entrepreneurial leadership

Make a lasting impact.

Many leaders see their roles as presiders/managers, with a primary focus on keeping results consistent with past performance and on budget. These kinds of leaders make important contributions but rarely leave a mark on the businesses they serve. For those wanting to make a lasting impact, new skills are required. They need to learn to launch new initiatives, inspire others, and champion innovative approaches. Joel Peterson calls these higher-level leaders “entrepreneurial leaders,” and they create durable enterprises that deliver on their promise.

After three careers, four decades of marriage and seven kids, and demanding roles as CFO, CEO, chairman, lead director, adjunct professor, founder, author, entrepreneur and investor, Joel Peterson is often sought as a mentor and coach by leaders and aspiring leaders. He has worked with all types of leaders and considers the entrepreneurial leader to be the highest level of influence.

Joel will help you reach the four essential basecamps on the path to entrepreneurial leadership:

Establishing Trust

Creating a Sense of Mission

Building a Cohesive Team

Executing and Delivering Results

Let Entrepreneurial Leadership guide you on your journey.

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Entrepreneurial Leadership

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